8 benefits of biking to work - Do práce na kole

8 benefits of biking to work

8 benefits of biking to work
19. 4. 2022, 7 min. čtení

And why should I do that? If you also have this question regarding our challenge, you do not have to worry. We summarize the answer for you in this article. And also added links to detailed texts that clarify the undecided why sustainable transport is a solution to many of the current hot problems.

Its effects are wider than what they would seem at first glance. This is supported by data and the experience of 22.000 people all over the country that accepted to bike to work last May. The poll we did shows that none of them want to give up non-motorized transport for the rest of the year. And that is telling something, right? What does it really do?

1. Physical enhancement

Get your body ready for the active season with the challenge Bike to Work! Regular exercise reduces the risk of heart cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. So, why not do it while going and coming from work? Join the May call and check it out for yourself, that you won’t want to stop. How to do it?

2. Psychological well-being

In a healthy body, a healthy mind rests. By walking, running, or riding a bike, happiness hormones are released, exercise helps beat depression and anxiety, and enhances sleep quality. Join the Bike to Work May call. You will be proud of yourself and you will discover the beauty of taking care of your mental health.

Physical activity causes happiness

3. Teambuilding experiences

Form a challenge group with your colleagues or friends and take part in the challenge in order to win various interesting prizes. Whether you work using your hands or your head, participating in the challenge will help you know your colleagues differently and bring you many experiences to share.

4. Fewer emissions

The sooner we switch to sustainable transport, the better we can breathe in our cities. And if we do not want to die of heat in summer, there is no other option. Only during last year’s May call, we saved 700 tonnes of CO2 over the country. The same that 700 trees can absorb in 100 years! We literally gain time participating in the challenge!

Nature and future will thank you

5. Save money

You will save money with this challenge! Transportation by car is not only stressful but also not economic at all. An international research group quantified recently that the cost of having and using a car has reached incredible numbers. Who wants to get rich, is moving at least during May. And then can go on holiday, for example. Come with us.

6. Happy employees

66% of participants of the Bike to Work got their fees paid for by their employers. They know that people who ride frequently take fewer sick days, face other challenges, and are better team players. The support for cycling is profitable for companies! The Cyclo-Employer of the year last year,  ÚJV Řež Group, also knows it. Join the challenge and compete for the coveted title not only for the employees but also for commercial partners, clients, or competitors.

7. Example for kids

Our current tranport habits shape the future of our children. If we teach them what it is to transport themselves in an active way and without an engine, probably they will transport themselves for the rest of their life. And after two years of the pandemic, not only adults but also children are lacking in movement. Join the Bike to Work call and change the mental scheme of our children.

8. Better cities

A hundred years ago, little by little we started leaving the city to cars. It is time to get it back! Sustainable and active transport improves our lives in many ways and solves a lot of the problems that cities face today. From the local economy, and sense of community, to a healthier population. Come with us in May on foot, by bike, on rollerblades, or by jogging; try it for yourself and help Czech cities to better infrastructure for active transport.

Join the thousands of enthusiasts from all over the country that move actively during the month of May as part of the Bike to Work campaign. You may notice, like the majority of them, that it is not only healthy but also faster and nicer. When taking part in the call, that AutoMat association has been organizing for 12 years, you also help bring attention to the need for quality infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists in your city.

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