Do you want as many of your employees as possible to enjoy cycling to work and for the whole company to really live by it? Organize your own activities as part of the challenge. Motivate your colleagues not only with material prizes, but also with pleasant moments together, they bring that team spirit the most!
- Come up with and announce your in-house category – competition for prizes that you are preparing for the winners. Inform even a month in advance to motivate as many of your colleagues as possible to participate.
- During the challenge, continuously inform employees about how individual teams/branches of your company are doing in the challenge.
- Together you can go to T-shirt Events (coffee/tea for a T-shirt, ice cream for a T-shirt, cinema for a T-shirt and more…).
- At the end of the challenge, hold a celebration announcing the results of your internal company competition.
- If you are joining the challenge in May, go together to the final party in your city, which is announced by the local organizers of Bike to Work (you can find more information about the party on the website of the event in the section of your city).
- Organize a joint breakfast for the participants. For example, invite all participants to bring something good for their teeth (or provide refreshments yourself, according to your possibilities and habits).
- As soon as everyone has received their To work by bike t-shirts, organize a joint photo shoot, ideally somewhere outside with a couple of bikes.
- Reward everyone who participates in Bike to Work with a trinket.
- Organize a joint bike ride starting from your company and ending at some pleasant establishment.
- Organize a final party – a meeting of all participants from your company with your own announcement and awarding of winners

We will be happy if you write to us about your activity or send photos to kontakt@dopracenakole.cz. We will be happy to publish them in the final report Bike to Work.
For motivation of your colleagues you can use our articles too:
A report from a visit at Prague´s Cycle Employer of the Year 2024
An interview with national Cycle Employer of the Year 2024
The Anti-Lycra Social Club: In Praise of slowbiking
To school by bike, on foot and safely. What can we take from school streets around the world?
I hope that there will be more and more people on bikes, wishes the coordinator of the skolniprojekce.cz project
How can you effectively fight climate change? Try a bike
It´s not ony about transport: 5 ways in which biking helps our cities
8 benefits of Bike to Work
9 ways to encourage your colleages to cycle to work
Cycling possitively changes and prolongs our lives
Semtember challenge supports the European mobility week. Join in too
Do you want a better world? Walk!
5 + 1 kroků k cyklopřívětivé firmě
6 tips for your first Bike to Work
Further informations