6 tips for your first Bike to Work - Do práce na kole

6 tips for your first Bike to Work

6 tips for your first Bike to Work
2. 5. 2022, 4 min. čtení

The Bike to Work May Call is starting soon and some of you may be feeling nervous for the first time (do not worry, we are nervous too). Maybe you have always driven a car to work, and this is your chance to do so sustainably (by bike, scooter, walking, or running). To ease yourself into this challenge, we have prepared some points to consider before, during, and after you do your daily commutes. 

1. Check your bike beforehand. Whether you are renting your bike, have had yours for years, or recently got a new one, make sure to check that it is in good condition for you to ride on. That is, check the tires, the brakes, and the lights, just in case you need them. You can check out our Cyclo Etiquette to know how to behave on the road.

2. Have breakfast! You will need some energy if you do not want to fall from your bike. Whether at home or the office, make sure you get some vitamins into your system. You can also join our breakfast in Naplavka on the 27th of May or share a snack with us after work in Karlin on 11th of May. You won’t regret it!

3. Plan your route ahead of time. This is especially interesting if this is your first time on the challenge. You can do so through this map. You may have multiple routes to get to work, so you can try them out and see which one suits you best. If you plan it once, you won’t have to think about it ever again!

4. Use our application to log the routes. Do not forget to use the application to register your routes. This way, we will be able to know how many kilometers participants are doing and which routes are the most used. Do not worry, data is anonymous ;)

5. Meet your teammates. Some of your teammates and colleagues may use the same bike route as you. So why not join forces and bike together? You will motivate each other, talk, and make the ride even more pleasant.

6. Enjoy! Although your first couple of rides may be challenging, you will soon get the hang of it. Do the best you can and take the pressure off. You do not need to be perfect or bike to work every single day if you can’t. Remember this is a fun challenge for yourself to enjoy, and help the city, the planet, and yourself in the way.

The Bike to Work Challenge has been going on for 12 years, carried out by AutoMat on a national level. Last year, 22.000 participants rode a bike, a scooter, or walked or ran to work, and experienced the many benefits of moving sustainably in the city in a fun way. Join them today, get inspired by their stories, and let us know if you have any questions. By participating, you are also helping to bring attention to the matter of cyclists and pedestrian infrastructure.


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