FAQ September Challenge - Do práce na kole

The basics of Bike to Work, Walk of Trot Challenge

Why should I pay to cycle to work? Makes no sense to me.

You definitely don’t have to. If you don’t use a car in the city – thank you, the goal is achieved for us. But why do more and more people sign up for the Bike to Work challenge every year and still pay for it? Here are some of the reasons people give us:

1. They enjoy it (rivaling each other for a regular sustainable commute to work, joint events, trips, statistics)
2. They feel part of a community with an active lifestyle
4. Participating in the challenge gives them motivation not to let up
5. They can win prizes and entry fees for the May Challenge
6. They thus support AutoMat and subscribe to its idea of ​​sustainable mobility in cities (similar to when you buy records of your favorite band or wear a badge of your favorite organization)
7. Using anonymized data about their routes, they want to participate in improving the cycling infrastructure in their city.
8. Anyone can participate, including students, seniors and self-employed persons.

The main thing for us is regularity – the goal of the challenge is to try to get to work, to go shopping, to visit, to school… “differently” and during this time to create a habit of using active transport more often throughout the year. The goal is not to chase performance. The more often you leave your car at home, the better it will be for all of us to move and breathe in cities. You will benefit the entire planet.

You can also learn more about the event in the Final Report 2023. And what is your reason?



Is it possible to alternate modes of transport to work? E.g. By bike on Monday, bus on Tuesday?

Yes, it is possible to combine it according to taste. There is an icon for each route in the route record.

I would like to run to work, but I couldn't find a box to fill in anywhere.

How you got to work, you mark each route with the corresponding icon in your profile.

Is it possible to join from abroad?

Yes. You just need to register at an address in the Czech Republic. You can then ride and record journeys (and therefore also compete for prizes) anywhere.

​If someone works only two days a week (e.g. part-time - Mon and Tue), will it be possible to note it somewhere so that "missing trips" are not counted for Wed - Fri, when they do not work? And likewise, if I had a holiday, would it be possible to state it somewhere so that I don't "lose" two trips for said day?

On the days when you will not go to work, click the “no trip” box in the trip table (it will be displayed after the start of the challenge). These days are then not counted for the calculation of the percentage of regularity. If you are on vacation, use the “vacation” option. The advantage of “holiday” is that you can enter these trips into the system in advance (in the case of a longer vacation, you will not miss a trip, entries are only allowed in the system for 2 days retroactively).

If you work shift or part-time, on the days you will not go to work, click no route in the journey table. If you go to work on Friday and return on Saturday, you write down one trip and no trip on Friday, and the same on Saturday, but in reverse. These uncompleted trips (no trip) are not included in the calculation of the percentage of regularity.

However, if you are going to make trips around the city that you would otherwise take by car, you can also write them down (e.g. to the doctor, to the post office, to the library, to go shopping, etc.)

Can any other daily trips, such as a trip, be added to the standard trips around the city?

In Bike to Work is not a matter of whether you cycle or walk. It is a question of whether you are cycling a route that you could otherwise normally do or do by car. (Would you go on a sports trip by car? – No.) Please be fair. The majority of participants honestly write down every journey to and from work, shopping, visiting, to school or kindergarten (i.e. journeys around the city (or between cities), which are primarily concerned, from the point of view of sustainable and ecological transport ). And at the end of the month, they feel good (and often have slightly stronger calves.) Thank you for supporting the development of sustainable mobility.

I have suspiciously low regularity, and I drive and run like crazy!

Don’t worry, it’s just an appearance. The regularity is calculated according to the formula, where the numerator is the number of your actual rides/activities and the denominator is the number of all potential rides/activities for the whole month. So the denominator does not change, the numerator – and therefore the percentage of regularity – will increase with each ride. At the end of the challenge, your regularity will match reality and you won’t lose any percentage.

Can I participate in an e-bike?

Yes. We support e-bikes – especially in hilly cities they can be a real helper.


How to proceed with registration?

In order to participate in the September challenge, the following steps must be taken

1. Registration:

Each participant must register separately at https://dpnk.dopracenakole.cz/.

2. Payment:
You have two options: you pay yourself or your employer pays for you. If the participation fee is paid by the employer, the company coordinator needs to approve in time all participants in the system for whom she will pay.

3. Register with one and only one email address.

If you use more e-mails, it will cause you trouble during registration, confusion in accounts and driving history. If you have already participated in any Bike to Work challenge in the past, you can change your e-mail in the completed profile here.




How much is the entry fee?

The entry fee for the September Challenge is CZK 150. As a thank you, you will receive a discount voucher for 150 CZK to the benefit e-shop together with AutoMat. You can find the discount code on the main page in the Bike to work system. You can use the code until 12/31/2024 for purchases over CZK 500, the postal fee must be paid.

If you want to contribute even more to the AutoMat association and support urban cycling and sustainable mobility, you can choose to pay a benefit entry fee of 400 CZK. Thank you

Where in the registration should I choose the way I will travel?

The mode of transport is checked directly in the form in your profile, where routes are entered. For each day, it is possible to choose the appropriate means of transport. You do not need to enter this data when registering.

Can I register as a person separately or only under a company?

You can also do it independently, the challenge is not intended primarily for employees, but also for families, friends, self-employed persons, senior citizens. For example, use your name (or any invented name) as the company name, and the ID number is not mandatory.

Is the challenge only for employees, or also for students or seniors?

The challenge is for everyone, everyone can participate. You can also form a team within the family or from your friends and neighbors. Students can also participate in the May challenge Bike to School.

Can I participate in the challenge as an individual?

Yes, the September challenge is intended for individuals. The system does not create teams as in the case of the May Challenge. But you can definitely create teams offline.

Bike to Work System


(system, personal profile and password, recording of rides, results, etc.)

Also watch the video on ways to record journeys as part of the Bike to Work challenge.

Where can I log my trips? Where can I find the ride calendar?

The table / calendar of rides will be displayed to you with the start of the challenge in your web profile. Until the 1st day of the challenge, the system is not open and cannot be written into.

Paths that increase regularity

Bike: Record using GPX, through the app or in the profile calendar
Walking: Record the same as cycling. If you use the Strava application, you need to edit the walking route in the web interface (the Strava application only counts the bike).
Home office: If you work from home or are sick, enter the house icon. If you make a trip on a given day that you could make by car – for example shopping, a visit, a trip to the doctor, for the children to school, you can write down the trip in bike mode, on foot as usual.

Other ways

Vacation: The parasol icon means a day off when you don’t want to reduce your regularity by checking the no entry box. Register your holiday, the advantage is that you can register your holiday in advance and thus not miss the 8-day registration retroactively. (This is the difference to home office, which cannot be registered in advance.)
Public transport: If you travel by train or bus, it is possible to enter public transport. Regularity does not count against you. However, if you cycle/walk part of the journey, you can write down this active part of the journey.

Regularity reduces:

Car: The goal of the challenge is to try without it, but if you can’t do it, write it down honestly.


My forgotten password link is not working, what should I do?

Please try again a few more times (or wait a while), check if you are entering the correct email form (perhaps you have multiple email addresses) or check your spam folder. If neither of these works, email us.

I didn't have time to write down last week's trips, what's next?

It is possible to write down trips 2 days back, which means that, for example, on Thursday you can still write down trips from Tuesday, but not from Monday. Due to capacity reasons, we are not able to mail you the trips back. They must be entered in the proper term.

How should I record my journeys, are there more or less than 2 per day?

You can add and divide them. E.g. you can divide multiple trips around the city – to work, shopping, visiting, going to and from school with children – into two trips, for example morning and afternoon. It’s more about getting the total kilometers and routes to fit if you’re entering them. And be careful, always try to fill in two boxes (arrows) per day in order to achieve the highest possible regularity.

Login via Google / Facebook, multiple logins, multiple profiles

If you don’t have a social login, it’s probably because you registered with an e-mail. It is also possible that you have multiple user profiles (in that case write to the helpdesk). Make sure you do it on the web and then use the same method for the app.

I registered a ride, the team and company statistics are not updated

It can take up to 30 minutes for the results to update – this cannot be fixed, please be patient if something is not right after an hour, please email us.

The results, or how did the September Challenge turn out?

You can find your own and national results in your profile.

Further results of the Bike to Work, walk or trot challenges can be found on the page Results of challenges and data report.


Bike to Work App

How to download a GPX file from the Strava app

You can download the GPX record of the route through the Strava web interface (not in the application) – log in, find the correct route and then select Export in the menu (see how to). Then you have to go back to the registration system – enter the trip (calendar), mark which means of transport you have chosen and under the place to enter the number of km choose “Upload GPX file” in the menu, drag or click to upload the downloaded GPX file and then just select the day and direction there or back to record the ride.

Do I need the Strava app to use the Bike to Work app?

No, we recommend syncing Strava data directly to the system using #dpnktam and #dpnkzpet.

Is it possible to connect a tool/application other than Strava to the Do práce nak application?

Yes, it is possible. It requires the installation of Strava, but not its active use – Strava allows you to connect to many other tracking applications (AppleWatch, Garmin, Suunto, etc.) and as soon as you have routes in Strava through this connection, you will automatically have them in our application as well. It might just take a little patience, depending on the tool you’re using. You can find out how to connect on the Strava website (in English).

Do you want to write down a other physical activities (exercise, laundry hanging, vacuum cleaning) and there is nowhere?

Correctly. Exercise etc. were a temporary pandemic measure and are no longer considered. Exercise is not linked to sustainable mobility, which is what the To work by bike, walk or jog challenge is all about. If you are at the home office, select the home office option in the system and it will be clear that you are not making any trips that day. Your stats will not drop. Thank you for your understanding.

I'm having trouble with the app and recording rides

If you have correctly connected the application to the Do práce na kole system (dpnk.dopracenakole.cz) and you still do not have trips recorded in your profile, try these possible solutions one by one:

  • don’t forget to send each trip (instructions for recording trips),
  • try the problematic action several times, with a time gap (occasionally the servers may have been down),
  • go through the settings in the application and check that all the data is correct (how to guide),
  • you have multiple registrations in the system (with different e-mails), trips are saved under a different user → connect the application with the correct account or contact our helpdesk, we will fix it.


How do I sign up for Cyklonoviny newsletters?

Good question! In the newsletters, we send up-to-date information about challenges and in May also special offers from partners that you won’t find anywhere else.

1. In the participant profile, put “Change personal data” and at the bottom check “I want to receive news, information about events and invitations to the next years of the competition by e-mail”.

2. Subscribe to the newsletter via the form on the website here.