- Connecting Cyclers / Na kole Prahou app with Bike to Work system
- Connecting Strava app with Bike to Work
- Why to use the application?
Download one of supported apps:

Na kole Prahou


How to connect Cyclers / Na kole Prahou apps with BtW
Please follow these steps (both the apps differ only in their look, the process of connection is the same – see the Czech version of the page for pictures – switch on the top right of the page):
- After installing the app, register for it by any of your e-mails or Google accounts.
- Fill in your nickname.
- Click on the “cup” icon below.
- Click on “Soutěže” (Competitions).
- Select “Do práce na kole” or “Do školy na kole”.
- On the next screen, log in using the same email and password you use to log in to your account at dpnk.doplacenakole.cz.
- Click on “Propojit s Cyclers” or “Propojit s Na kole Prahou” (connect with C / NKP).
- And it is done!
In both applications, you will be able to submit your ride to the Bike to Work on the ride screen.
Note for runners and pedestrians: If you use the Cyclers or Na kole Prahou app to record and upload your route to BtW, change your mode from “Bike” to “Walking / Running” in your web profile before submiting the route.
How to connect Strava app with BtW
See the Czech version of the page for pictures – switch on the top right of the page.
- Open a web browser on your mobile phone, go to dopracenakole.cz and log in to your profile. Then click on “Zapsat jízdu (Save the ride)” and “Application”.
- Click on “Connect with Strava”.
- Again: “Connect with Strava”.
- Log in / register for Strava
- Click on “Authorize”.
- In the web browser, you can see on your BtW profile a confirmation that the synchronization was successful.
To record a route in Strava:
- At the beginning of the trip, open the Strava and press the Record button.
- Below the “bicycle” pictogram, choose whether you ride a bike, run, or walk.
- Press the Start button to record the route and Stop / Finish to end the recording and save the activity.
- To upload routes recorded in the Strava to BtW, proceed as follows: for each route that you want to record as a “BtW route”, edit the route name:
- For a trip to work, type #dpnktam before the route name
- For a trip from work, type #dpnkzpet before the route name
- The routes marked in this way are transferred to the BtW twice a day, so don’t worry if you don’t see the routes from the Strava in the BtW profile right away.
- Aby se nahrané jízdy z aplikace propsaly do systému, je třeba jít do profilu DPNK, klik na “Zapsat jízdu” – klik na “Aplikace” – klik na propojit se Stravou a pak kliknout na synchronizovat! Tento postup je třeba zopakovat pro každé nahrání jízdy neo i více jízd najednou. Tuto synchronizaci v podstatě to stačí udělat jednou týdně (zpětně si totiž jízdy do profilu DPNK můžete zapisovat až 8 dní nazpět).
In order to synchronize your rides from the Strava with BtW profile, it is necessary to go to the BtW profile, click on “Enter trips!” – click on “Application” – click on link with Strava and then click on Synchronize! This procedure must be repeated for each recording of one or more trips at once. Basically, you only need to do this synchronization once a week (because you can record your rides to the BtW profile up to 8 days back).
For example, if you walk and the routes were recorded in the BtW system as “a bicycle route”, edit this information in the BtW system additionally.
In Strava in the web version or in the application, it is necessary to enable the possibility to see activities by anyone (see the picture below) when connecting. If you have had the application installed for a long time, and your rides are not being transposed, you need to disconnect and reconnect the Strava in your BtW profile.
In Strava you can also enter the radius of your privacy up to 1 km. This means that the geographical recording of the route will be made beyond its boundary (ie no one can see, for example, where you exactly live).
If none of the offered solutions helped, please write to us or call 212 240 666. Attach as much information as possible to the e-mail – printscreens, detailed description, etc. For problems with synchronizing the Strava, you can also try these Strava´s helpdesk tips.

Why to use the application?
- It saves your time – the route and distance traveled will be uploaded directly into the BtW system and you no longer have to spend any more time on the web filling in your rides.
- Make your route easier – if you are not sure where to go in city traffic, or you want to try a different route than you usually drive, the application will find the fastest, most pleasant, or simply the optimal route for you (according to your criteria) and will guide you to your destination.
- You can help other cyclists and the city to plan a new cycling infrastructure – you can use the application to draw attention to problematic places on the road.
- It will entertain and motivate you more – depending on how often, how many kilometers, but also how much you ride up the hills, you gain various badges within the application (regardless of BtW).